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Moraga Hardware & Lumber is your one stop shop for all things electrical. From lightbulbs and switches to bulk wire and conduit, we provide a wide assortment of electrical supplies covering the simplest to the most elaborate projects.

Audio/Visual Accessories
Boxed Conduit
Bulk Electrical Wire
Chimes & Accessories
Decorative Wall Plates
Electrical Boxes/Fittings
Electrical Cords
Electrical Tools/Testers
Electrical Tape
Lamps/Lamp Parts
Landscape Lighting
LED Light Bulbs
Multi-Outlet Devices
Night Lights
Quartz Lighting
Recessed Lighting
Security Lighting
Telephone Accessories
Wire Connectors/Terminals
Wiring Devices
Hardware Happenings
Are you Prepared?
Moraga Hardware & Lumber 1409 Moraga Way, Moraga CA 94556 925.376.3600
Store Hours:
Mon-Sat 8:30am - 5:00pm, Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm (Hardware Store)
Tues-Fri 11am - 5pm, Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 11am - 5pm, Monday Closed (across the way)
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