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Small Appliances

Moraga Hardware & Lumber and across the way carry top of the line small appliances so you don't have to brave traffic and parking challenges just to pick up a new blender for your BBQ that night!  A wide range from mixers to panini-makers is available.  And if you don't see what you need, just ask - we will find it for you!

Coffee Makers
Classic Crockpot
Electric Griddles
Electric Can Opener



Electric Kettles
Electric Knife
Foley Food Mill
Hand Mixers
Micropressure Cookers
Slow Cookers
Toaster Ovens





Hardware Happenings


Knife Sharpening 




APRIL 14 & 28

MAY 12 & 26

JUNE 9 & 23


Are you Prepared?

Moraga Hardware & Lumber               1409 Moraga Way, Moraga CA  94556                             925.376.3600
Store Hours: 
Mon-Sat 8:30am - 5:00pm,  Sun 9:00am - 5:00pm (Hardware Store)
Tues-Fri 11am - 5pm, Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sunday 11am - 5pm, Monday Closed (across the way)

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